Todos los paises estan experimentando un cambio en su sistema demografico, la poblacion mundial esta envejeciendo. En 2050, la proporcion de habitantes mayores de 65 anos se duplicara y Espana ostentara el primer puesto en ser el pais mas anciano del mundo, gracias al papy boom que estamos viviendo hoy. Esta situacion tendra numerosas consecuencias entre las que cabe resaltar el incremento de un 50 por ciento en la atencion a los mayores. ?Estamos preparados?
En 2050, la proporcion de habitantes personas mayores de 65 anos en el mundo, se duplicara, pasando del 11% al 22%, es decir que pasaremos de 605 millones a 2000 millones de ancianos en los proximos anos. Espana sera entonces, segun la Organizacion de Naciones Unidas (ONU), el pais mas anciano del mundo con un 35,7% de la poblacion, cerca de 17 millones de personas mayores.
Las tasas de natalidad y de mortalidad actual han sufrido una gran disminucion, incluso cabe destacar que la mortalidad ha superado a la natalidad. Ademas, hemos mejorado nuestra esperanza de vida, que alcanza cifras como 85,8 anos para las mujeres espanolas y 80,5 para los hombres, y la tendencia va en aumento. En 2015, el 19% de la poblacion espanola superaba los 65 anos, lo que se traduce en que una de cada cinco personas esta en edad de jubilarse, un fenomeno conocido como el papy boom, denominado asi por el elevado numero de jubilaciones que tendran lugar entre 2006 y 2025 en los paises desarrollado.
Por que se produce el papy boom
Aunque la industrializacion de siglo XX dejo tasas de natalidad muy bajas (en EEUU por ejemplo hay una media de 1,87 hijos por mujer), entre los anos 60 y 70 se produce el baby boom, un aumento importante de la poblacion, una poblacion que hoy esta llegando a la edad de jubilacion, entre los 40 y 60 anos.

Entre las consecuencias del papy boom:
Peligra el sistema de pensiones
Las pensiones representan una gran parte del gasto publico; en Espana, se calcula que representan alrededor de un tercio de este. Se estima que se necesitan cuatro trabajadores activos para pagar una pension de las personas mayores jubiladas. Si una de cada cinco personas mayores es pensionista y que la poblacion activa representa en Espana el 59,28%, es imposible mantener el sistema de pensiones actual.
Aunque se cuente con la inmigracion, que supone una parte importante de la poblacion productiva, la tasa de dependencia sigue aumentando, es decir que se siguen necesitando mas trabajadores que coticen.
Aumento de los gastos medicos
Las personas mayores son los que mas utilizan la sanidad publica. Si se duplica el numero de ancianos, aumentaran los gastos en este sector.
Demanda de empleo en sector senior
El aumento de personas mayores tambien significa un incremento en la demanda de empleo del sector del cuidado. Se necesitara mas personal en hospitales, residencias, en el cuidado personal de ancianos a domicilio y se crearan nuevos puestos de trabajo.
Se necesitaran mas profesionales y especialistas en el cuidado de personas mayores y ancianos para cubrir esta gran demanda.
Se estima que dentro de 30 anos, se multiplicara por cuatro el numero de personas mayores dependientes, es decir que no pueden valerse por si mismos ya que padecen limitaciones de movilidad o problemas fisicos o mentales y necesitaran asistencia a largo plazo asi como cuidados domiciliarios cuidado de ancianos a domicilio precios en su dia a dia.
Tambien se deberan renovar las infraestructuras para adaptarlas a un sector poblacional en aumento, ciudades accesibles, edificios inteligentes, etc.
Ante esta situacion, ademas de que la sociedad se prepare, existen soluciones para corregir los problemas del envejecimiento poblacional:
1. Reforzar el sistema sanitario y de pensiones: Se puede favorecer la sanidad y el sistema de pensiones en los gastos publicos para continuar con una buena calidad de vida en todas las etapas de esta. Para ello, habria sin embargo que redirigir fondos publicos hacia estos sectores, un tema bastante polemico actualmente.
2. Fomentar la asistencia a domicilio para personas mayores profesionalizada para aumentar la calidad de vida de los mayores y que cuenten con los cuidados necesarios.
3. Favorecer la inmigracion de mano de obra cualificada: Atrayendo trabajadores del exterior de paises donde las tasas de natalidad siguen siendo altas, favorecemos el rejuvenecimiento de la edad media de la poblacion.
4. Promover la natalidad: Adoptar medidas para aumentar las tasas de natalidad, a traves de la concienciacion, de desgravaciones fiscales, ayudas, etc.
Sin duda nos encontramos ante un reto y estamos a tiempo de paliar las complicaciones y prepararnos para afrontarlo con exito.


El secreto de la inmortalidad parece, no estar en la Fuente de la Eterna Juventud, sino mas bien, en cada uno de nosotros.
El ikigai es la motivacion vital por la que miles de ancianos japoneses son los mas longevos del mundo y tambien los mas felices, es una forma de encarar la vida que puede prolongarla hasta sobrepasar los cien anos. ?Conoces tu ikigai?
La llave magica de la longevidad se llama ikigai y parte de la investigacion llevada a cabo, hace ahora diez anos, por investigadores de la Escuela de Medicina de la Universidad de Tohoku en la isla de Okinawa. Los investigadores publicaron lo que se conoce como el “estudio Ohsaki” donde exponen que los hombres y las mujeres con ikigai vivian mas y mejor, con menos riesgo de sufrir enfermedades cardiovasculares y otras causas externas.
La palabra ikigai proviene de dos vocablos japoneses, ikiru que significa vivir y kai que hace referencia a la materializacion de lo que uno espera. De modo que puede traducirse como “razon de ser”, “motivacion vital”. Todos tenemos nuestro ikigai pero no todos lo hemos encontrado ya que es el resultado de una busqueda interna en la que descubrimos lo que hacemos bien y nos apasiona; aquello que nos da fuerzas para levantarnos cada manana.
No se trata de la busqueda de la felicidad. De hecho, los japoneses se encuentran en el puesto 51 de los paises mas felices del mundo. Aquellos que buscan la felicidad tienen un mayor riesgo de obsesionarse y frustrarse al no encontrarla y por tanto, de ser infelices.

El ikigai es encontrar aquello en lo que somos realmente buenos, nos reporta placer al realizarlo y puede aportar algo a los demas. Es encontrar nuestro lugar en el mundo y sentirse satisfecho. Llegados a este punto, se encuentra la felicidad.
Cuando la persona descubre su pasion, se divierte con su trabajo y se siente util con la sociedad le genera una sensacion de empoderamiento que elimina el estres y le hace fuerte ante las adversidades.
No se trata de un sentimiento efimero, sino que nos acompana a lo largo de la vida y hace que ante la adversidad podamos seguir encontrandonos felices porque se trata de un sentimiento mas profundo.
?Como encontrar nuestro Ikigai?:

?Que te hace sentirte a gusto?
Puede que te guste el trato con la gente o seas mas solitario. Que te guste relacionarte con mayores o cuidar a ninos.
Tienes que pensar aquello por lo que crees que has nacido para ello.
?Que actividades te apasionan?
Debes pensar en aquello que hace que pierdas la nocion del tiempo porque estas concentrado y disfrutas haciendolo.
?Que te resulta hacer facilmente?
Cada uno tenemos una habilidad diferentes, se trata de encontrar la tuya aunque te parezca intrascendente. Todas las habilidades pueden encauzarse para que sean utiles y te reporten satisfaccion.
?Que te gustaba hacer cuando eras nino?
Cuando somos ninos tenemos dones naturales pero a medida que maduramos dejamos de lado lo que realmente nos da satisfaccion por el sentido del deber y la obligacion. Se trata de dar de nuevo voz a nuestros talentos, silenciados en la edad cuidadora de ancianos interna adulta.

Tenemos que tener en cuenta que el ikigai no siempre es una revolucion interior que nos hace cambiar de vida. Puede ser tambien un encuentro sosegado con aquello que nos hace sentir plenos. De hecho, lo mas dificil no es encontrar el ikigai sino mantenerlo a los largo de las diferentes circunstancias de la vida.
El secreto radica en conectar consigo mismo, encontrar lo que realmente nos apasiona y llevarlo a la practica aportandole felicidad a los demas. Espero que te haya gustado esta aportacion de nuestras cuidadoras de personas mayores.


Durante el ano, y sobre todo en verano, muchas personas mayores deben cambiar su hogar para ser atendidos de forma alternativa por sus hijos o acudir a una residencia, es lo que se conoce como “abuelos golondrina”. Segun los expertos, este cambio de lugar de residencia en los ancianos puede producirles problemas serios en su salud; es por ello que debemos conocer como afrontar esta situacion para intentar minimizar las consecuencias.
Segun la Sociedad Espanola de Geriatria y Gerontologia (SEGG), el 30% de las personas mayores de 65 anos vive con sus hijos y de ellos, el 66% tiene algun grado de dependencia (el 37% presenta una dependencia leve, el 14% una dependencia moderada y el 15% tiene una dependencia grave). Ademas, el SEGG estima que el 0,6 % de estos mayores dependientes cambia con frecuencia de domicilio y el 2,8 % rota la casa de un hijo por la de otro, al menos una vez al ano, sobre todo en vacaciones. Se esta volviendo al modelo del “abuelo golondrina”, el mayor que carece de residencia fija y se reparte su cuidado entre los hijos.

Consecuencias del cambio de hogar
1. Limitacion de autonomia. Al no ser su casa, sus cosas, el mayor se encuentra limitado para hacer lo que quiera o necesite. Tambien se ve coartado a la hora de salir ya que la zona y los servicios no son los que el conoce.
2. Falta de relaciones sociales. No permanece el tiempo suficiente como para crear nuevos lazos afectivos fuera de la familia y por ello disfrutan menos del ocio y el tiempo libre y se mantiene menos activos. Tiene problemas de adaptacion y sentimiento de desarraigo.
3. Carencia de espacio propio en la familia. Se ve como una carga y les cuesta integrarse en la unidad familiar y adaptarse a sus rutinas lo que conlleva falta de rol familiar. Baja autoestima, ansiedad y depresion
4. Reduccion de la calidad medica. Al cambiar de hogar, los mayores deben acudir a otro centro de salud donde son atendidos por otros medicos que desconocen sus patologias y tratamientos. Se pierde el seguimiento y los nuevos facultativos desconocen al enfermo. Esto conlleva ademas para el anciano desconfianza y ansiedad que influye directamente en su calidad de vida.
5. Sentimiento de abandono. Al no compartir las experiencias con la misma familia se siente excluido y desanimado.
6. Falta de cuidados. Al cambiar la persona que toma el rol de cuidador puede que no conozca las necesidades del mayor o que se sienta sobrepasado por la situacion y esto repercute en los cuidados que necesita.
Pautas para reducir las consecuencias del cambio de hogar
1. Respeto a sus costumbres y continuidad en sus rutinas. Para que mantenga su independencia y autonomia hay que procurar que siga sus habitos en la medida de lo posible. Para ello, hay que establecer y respectar el periodo de adaptacion a la nueva situacion, para que pueda habituarse a la casa y a la familia.
2. Largas estancias. Se deben alargar las estancias el maximo tiempo posible para que no se produzcan muchos cambios en poco tiempo.
3. Ayuda a su integracion. Habilitarle un espacio donde el mayor se sienta cuidado de ancianos a domicilio precios comodo, con autonomia y privacidad pero sin sentirse aislado.
4. Informe medico. El anciano debe llevar consigo un informe donde se detallen sus enfermedades, la medicacion que toma asi como las revisiones que necesita. De esta forma, los profesionales medicos disponen de toda la informacion para actuar en consecuencia y aportamos seguridad y tranquilidad al mayor.
5. Buena coordinacion entre familiares. Intentar que haya comunicacion fluida entre las diferentes familias y se incluya al anciano en la toma de decisiones asi como en todas las actividades familiares que su salud le permita.
6. Cuidadores profesionales. Para no sobrecargar de trabajo a ningun familiar es muy buena opcion contar con la ayuda de cuidadores de mayores profesionales que se encargan de dar respuesta a todas las necesidades del mayor y ayudan a las familias a conciliar.
Ser pacientes, carinosos y atentos, ayudara al mayor a integrarse y a que los inevitables desplazamientos de hogar se realicen de la mejor manera posible.

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Suggestions To Placing A Web Sports Bet

As you know, sports betting differs from other forms of gambling as there are no set formulae or systems you could apply blindly. This really is no alternative to know-how about the activity as well as a thorough understanding of the policies along with the chances of your particular bet. You need to know how to apply the spread for the particular conditions for your game. You can create sports bets over the phone, in a casino or using one of those unfortunate online sports books plus you’ve got an incredible number of bets ranging from be simple money line bets towards the complicated parlays and teasers. We would recommend online sports books for the following reasons:

1. You can bet straight from your property sitting in front of your own computer.
2. Online sports books are open 24/7 and you may bet during the time and through the location of your choosing.
3. You generally have a tendency to get better odds also to take advantage of the earlier posting of odds.
4. You can put lots of bets on a large numbers of sports in numerous countries.
5. The minimum bet is generally a dollar and also the absolute maximum bets will generally suit highflyers.

Take care within your selection of online sports books because a large number of them will still only supply you with a problem and take your money. Look over at least 2 to 3 reviews and make a commonsense judgment. Fully familiarize the policies and ensure the one you end up picking suits your financial budget and your design of betting.

Protect yourself against frauds. Because of the proliferation of internet betting as well as the vast sums of cash that rotate, the criminals are certainly not much behind. Use the following commonsense precautions to safeguard yourself against fraud:

6. Only bet with sports books which may have a background with an impeccable reputation.
7. Never reply to e-mail that provides come from your sportsbook or bookmaker. The thing with this phishing would be to extract your login and password and then vanish along with your money.
8. Avoid sports books that offer favorable odds and enormous bonuses then make a string of excuses in relation to shell out. Fraudulent books have already been recognized to manipulate odds so investigate any unusual betting losses.

Some essential things that you need to be familiar with betting online:

9. Online sports books encourage customers without questions. If you put money on the wrong sportsbook and it vanishes, there is certainly very little that you can do to have it back.
10. The legal position for us residents betting on online books is just not entirely clear on the main element question of legality. The Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act is dependant on banks and the change in money to fund deposits for gambling. This is the reason many credit card issuers and internet based payment services like PayPal is not going to allow payments to online sports books. However, you should be aware that this doesn’t by itself make internet gambling illegal. You should watch future developments on this space.

Guidelines To Placing An Internet Sports Bet

You may already know, sports betting is different from other types of gambling since there are no set formulae or systems that one could apply blindly. This is no alternative to know-how about the activity as well as a thorough comprehension of the guidelines along with the probability of your particular bet. You have to know how to apply the spread to the particular conditions for the game. You can create sports bets on the telephone, in a casino or one of those unfortunate online sports books and you have a stunning selection of bets starting from the straightforward money line bets towards the complicated parlays and teasers. We might recommend online sports books for the following reasons:

1. You’ll be able to bet straight from your home near your own computer.
2. Online sports books are open 24/7 and you will bet back then and through the host to your choosing.
3. You generally tend to get better odds and to enjoy the earlier posting of odds.
4. Place the lots of bets on a large numbers of sports in different countries.
5. The minimum bet is usually a dollar and even the most bets will often suit highflyers.

Be careful within your selection of online sports books want . many them will only provide you with a problem and take the money. Look through no less than two or three reviews and create a commonsense judgment. Understand the rules and be sure usually the one you choose suits your allowance as well as your style of betting.

Protect yourself against frauds. Because of the proliferation of internet betting along with the vast sums of cash that change hands, the criminals are not too far behind. Utilize the following commonsense precautions to protect yourself against fraud:

6. Only bet with sports books which may have a track record and an impeccable reputation.
7. Never react to e-mail that proposes to originate from your sports book or bookmaker. The object with this phishing is to extract your login and password after which vanish along with your money.
8. Watch out for sports books that supply favorable odds and huge bonuses and then create a string of excuses in terms of spend. Fraudulent books have already been recognized to manipulate odds so investigate any unusual betting losses.

Some significant things that you ought to know about betting online:

9. Online sports books encourage customers without questions. Should you put cash the wrong sportsbook and yes it vanishes, there is certainly very little you’re able to do to have it back.
10. The legal position for us residents betting on online books is not entirely sure the true secret question of legality. The Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act is dependant on banking institutions and also the change in money to fund deposits for gambling. This is the reason many credit card issuers and internet-based payment services like PayPal will not likely allow payments to online sports books. However, you should be aware that it doesn’t on its own make online gambling illegal. You should watch future developments in this space.

Tips To Placing An Online Sports Bet

Everbody knows, sports betting is different from other styles of gambling as there are no set formulae or systems you could apply blindly. This really is no replacement for understanding of the experience and a thorough idea of the rules and also the odds of your distinct bet. You should know how to make use of the spread on the particular conditions for that game. You can make sports bets over the phone, in a casino or on one of many online sports books and you’ve got a stunning various bets which range from the straightforward money line bets on the complicated parlays and teasers. We may recommend online sports books for one more reasons:

1. You’ll be able to bet from the comfort of your home near your own computer.
2. Online sports books are open 24/7 and you will bet back then and from the host to your choosing.
3. You generally have a tendency to improve odds also to utilize the earlier posting of odds.
4. Place the lots of bets on the great number of sports in numerous countries.
5. The minimum bet is usually one dollar and even the most bets will often suit highflyers.

Take care inside your choice of online sports books because a many them will still only give you a problem and take the money. Look over at the very least two to three reviews and make a commonsense judgment. Fully familiarize the principles and make sure normally the one you select suits your allowance and your kind of betting.

Protect yourself against frauds. Due to the proliferation of internet betting along with the billions of money that rotate, the criminals are not too far behind. Utilize following commonsense precautions to protect yourself against fraud:

6. Only bet with sports books who have a background and an impeccable reputation.
7. Never reply to e-mail that provides result from your sports book or bookmaker. The object of the phishing is always to extract your login and password then vanish with your money.
8. Watch out for sports books that offer favorable odds and large bonuses and then create a string of excuses with regards to pay out. Fraudulent books are already known to manipulate odds so investigate any unusual betting losses.

Some essential things that you need to find out about betting online:

9. Online sports books need customers without any questions. In the event you put cash an unacceptable sportsbook and it vanishes, there is certainly very little you can do to make it back.
10. The legal position for us residents betting on online books isn’t entirely sure the key question of legality. The Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act is centered on banking institutions and the change in money to invest in deposits for gambling. That is why many credit card banks and online payment services like PayPal won’t allow payments to online sports books. However, you must note that it doesn’t by itself make gambling online illegal. You should watch future developments on this space.

Recommendations To Placing An Online Sports Bet

Everbody knows, sports betting is different from other types of gambling since there are no set formulae or systems that you can apply blindly. This really is no replacement knowledge about the sport plus a thorough understanding of the principles and also the odds of your unique bet. You should know the way to use the spread towards the particular conditions for that game. You possibly can make sports bets over the phone, at a casino or on a single of those unfortunate online sports books and you’ve got an incredible variety of bets ranging from the straightforward money line bets towards the complicated parlays and teasers. We may recommend online sports books for the following reasons:

1. You’ll be able to bet straight from your property near home.
2. Online sports books are open 24/7 and you’ll bet at that time and in the place of your choosing.
3. You typically usually get better odds and to take advantage of the earlier posting of odds.
4. Place lots of bets on a many sports in different countries.
5. The minimum bet is commonly $ 1 and also the utmost bets will generally suit highflyers.

Be careful within your selection of online sports books just because a many them will only give you a problem and take the money. Examine at least 2-3 reviews and make a commonsense judgment. Understand the policies and make certain the main one you select suits your allowance plus your style of betting.

Protect yourself against frauds. Due to proliferation of internet betting as well as the billions of money that rotate, the criminals are certainly not too much behind. Utilize the following commonsense precautions to guard yourself against fraud:

6. Only bet with sports books who have a history and an impeccable reputation.
7. Never respond to e-mail that proposes to are derived from your sportsbook or bookmaker. The object of this phishing is usually to extract your login and password and then vanish together with your money.
8. Stay away from sports books that supply favorable odds and huge bonuses and after that make a string of excuses with regards to fork out. Fraudulent books have already been proven to manipulate odds so investigate any unusual betting losses.

Some considerations that you should find out about betting online:

9. Online sports books accept customers without questions. Should you put funds on the wrong sports book plus it vanishes, there is almost no that you can do to make it back.
10. The legal position on US residents betting on online books is not entirely absolutely clear on the important thing question of legality. The Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act is centered on banks and the change in money to fund deposits for gambling. For this reason many credit card issuers and internet based payment services like PayPal will not allow payments to online sports books. However, you must remember that this does not by itself make gambling online illegal. You ought to watch future developments in this space.

Ideas To Placing A Web Sports Bet

You know, sports betting is different from other types of gambling since there are no set formulae or systems that one could apply blindly. This is no alternative to information about the experience as well as a thorough understanding of the policies and also the chances of your particular bet. You need to know how to apply the spread to the particular conditions for the game. You possibly can make sports bets over the telephone, at the casino or using one of many online sports books and you have a dazzling various bets including the easy money line bets towards the complicated parlays and teasers. We may recommend online sports books for one more reasons:

1. It is possible to bet from the comfort of your home sitting in front of your own computer.
2. Online sports books are open 24/7 and you’ll bet during the time and through the host to your choosing.
3. You generally often recover odds also to utilize the earlier posting of odds.
4. Place the lots of bets on a large numbers of sports in several countries.
5. The minimum bet is generally a dollar as well as the maximum bets will normally suit highflyers.

Be cautious in your collection of online sports books because a many them will only offer you a problem and bring your money. Run through no less than 2 to 3 reviews and make a commonsense judgment. Familiarize yourself with the policies and make certain usually the one you choose suits your financial budget plus your type of betting.

Protect yourself against frauds. As a result of proliferation of online betting as well as the billions of greenbacks that rotate, the criminals usually are not past an acceptable limit behind. Utilize the following commonsense precautions to guard yourself against fraud:

6. Only bet with sports books which have a track record with an impeccable reputation.
7. Never respond to e-mail that provides come from your sports book or bookmaker. The thing of this phishing is usually to extract your login and password and after that vanish with your money.
8. Stay away from sports books that offer favorable odds and big bonuses and after that produce a string of excuses when it comes to pay out. Fraudulent books have already been recognized to manipulate odds so investigate any unusual betting losses.

Some significant things that you can know about betting online:

9. Online sports books accept customers without any questions. If you put funds on a bad sportsbook and yes it vanishes, there is almost no you’re able to do to be back.
10. The legal position upon us residents betting on online books just isn’t entirely sure the key question of legality. The Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act is dependant on the banks along with the change in money to advance deposits for gambling. For this reason many credit card providers an internet-based payment services like PayPal will not allow payments to online sports books. However, you should note that this won’t on it’s own make internet gambling illegal. You ought to watch future developments within this space.