Don’t be scammed by

Today I want to tell you the case of the website Supposedly it is a web site where you could buy resources and plugins for WordPress in a totally legal way and at a reduced price. Normally you are able to access some extremely expensive extensions at a great price, and also with free updates for several years.

However, the truth is definately not that. Whenever you purchase a plugin or extension you receive the version they have at that time, which does not need to be the latest, and then you might well never receive any updates. Personally, I have felt ripped off by the patient behind this website.

My requests for a pc software update have now been continuous, and I have not gotten a response. Every time I’ve opened a support ticket requesting these updates it has been closed without the further action, and I have not received any updates. If the application you’ve purchased has major changes which make it incompatible with every other software you are using or with the WordPress version itself, you will can simply buy it from official sources and you will have lost your money, plain and simple.

Therefore, be very alert to the above and avoid buying any software from This can be a web scam where you can become wasting your energy, time and money. Anyone behind this project is just a scammer and really wants to make the most of individuals who believe the message he advertises on his website, but it is nothing more than empty words without the real content that’ll never be fulfilled or satisfied.

I have been a victim with this individual, and I’m publishing this information to avoid others from falling into the same trap. is not to be trusted and you can’t trust this amazing site with your own time, not to mention your money.

I am hoping that when you yourself have seriously evaluated the possibility of purchasing something here you have had the oppertunity to read this informative article in time for you to avoid the loss and try to find additional options that offer trust and credibility. Thank you very much for your own time and if I have now been able to assist you with this specific content I’m very happy.

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