Potential of P2P Lending for Increasing Indonesian Economy

Companies with a base of financial technology is a financial company that utilizes technology and the digital world to provide access to finance to the wider community considering the current internet activities of people, especially Indonesian people increasing every year. One focus that is worked on by fintech companies like SOFIS is an investment by way of lending or debt with a peer to peer lending scheme. SOFIS is a P2P Lending platform where you can find there are many fundraisers and funders meeting in one marketplace to make lending interactions easier, faster and more practical, and certainly safe. Alternative Investment for Investors and business loan.

Then the question is whether can the method of investment with P2P Lending brings a positive change for the economy in Indonesia?

The value of investment continues to rise in Indonesia
For those of you who are looking for other ways to play your wealth by diversifying your investment portfolio, P2P Lending could be a potential new way to bring passive income in your coffers. In 2008 alone recorded the investment value in the fintech sector reached USD 900 which increased rapidly until 2013 with a value of USD 3 billion. Furthermore, according to the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, it is estimated that the investment value in the fintech sector in 2018 will reach USD 8 billion. While for cash loan seekers both for personal and business needs, the P2P Lending platform can be the most potential place to get funds faster with the advantages of easy and unsecured terms.

The potential of peer to peer lending as an economic driver of Indonesia is also supported by the improvement of digital infrastructure facilities in Indonesia. Where now more and more people are touched by the Internet that could be the way for P2P Lending platforms such as SOFIS to provide access for people who have not been touched by traditional financial institutions, whether banks or non-banks. With the existence of SOFIS now people do not have to be elf to the bank or pawnshops to get aid loan funds. Simply by opening the SOFIS site at https://sofis.id and registering then follow the flow of fast lending or investment, all the processes have been done online and can be accessed by the community with practical use of each gadget.

P2P Lending is under OJK Regulatory Radar
SOFIS, https://sofis.id, is a secure and reliable loan marketplace. The security of the investment of loan funds under the P2P Lending scheme has been regulated and overseen by OJK as a state institution governing financial services companies and activities in Indonesia. Seeing the rapid development of P2P Lending in Indonesia, OJK officially issued rules governing the institutional, organizing fintech, products, and also the use of information technology since December 30, 2016.

The underlying OJK establishes the rules regarding the P2P Lending scheme according to the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of OJK, Muliaman D. Hadad, among others are:
1. Maximize the potential of fintech as a means to increase public access to financial services products that are useful for improving welfare.
2. Fintech as a solution of financing methods faster, easier, and efficient.
3. Fintech can be a hope for SME players to get loan funds from investors so that it can improve competitiveness with better product quality.

With the regulation of OJK is increasingly providing security guarantees for funders and loan fund raisers to join the fintech lending platform. With the easier process of loan application or investment offered by SOFIS as a fintech platform, SOFIS contributes to the improvement of people’s welfare to get better life through the types of loans provided.

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